
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Passion project

In wananga class for our passion project, we made a go kart out of wood. First, we were given bits of old wood with heaps of nails and we had to remove the nails which took about a week. We had a string connected to the front part of the go kart so we could pull with each hand and steer it left or right. 

Porcupine Woodworking Craft - How Wee Learn

after our class took out all the nails we went on a trip to bunnings to buy wheels, bolts, and screws for our go-karts. The next few weeks after our bunnings trip we worked on assembling our go karts. 

These are two photos of our go karts showing the finished product and how you are supposed to use them. 

Monday, September 13, 2021

Height and Arm span

Does our year 11 maths class have the perfect body proportion? We will be measuring height and arm span. to make sure there are no errors for height, we will stand straight on a wall with our head, shoulders, and backside touching the wall, also with shoes off. For arm, span stands up and stretch your arms out as far as you can. Following these steps will ensure you that there will be no errors.

1 Mr Rees1.831.76
2 Zion1.781.78
3 Subhnesh1.771.78
4 Matthew1.841.85
5 Cole1.711.69
6 Zapa1.641.65
7 Dan1.981.95
8 Tai1.761.76
9 George1.881.89
10 Harry1.951.95
11 Andy1.531.57
12 Nick1.751.76
13 Nino1.961.92
14 Manase2.052.11
15 Brad1.871.9
16 Ricky1.881.9

T- Trend 
D- Direction 
S- Strength 
U- Unusual(s)/outlier(s)

Trend - it is a linear graph
Direction - it is an increasing linear graph
Strength - it is a moderately increasing linear graph
Outliers - There is one outlier in my graph of data

Conclusion: The answer to our question (does our year 11 maths class have the perfect body proportions), and the answer is yes, the data we captured gave us a moderate linear increasing graph. Except for one outlier in our class. 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Virtruvian man

Vitruvian Man - WikipediaVitruvian man is  Leonardo da Vinci's drawing of a male figure perfectly inscribed in a circle and square, known as the "Vitruvian Man," illustrates what he believed to be a divine connection between the human form and the universe. Beloved for its beauty and symbolic power, it is one of the most famous images in the world.

He said everything has proportion in this world, if you took for example Tom, Tom's wingspan would be the same length as Tom's height. He also stated that the length from the hairline to the bottom of the chin is 1/10th of your height.

Vitruvian Man (perfect body proportion)

Q Question

P Population

V Variables

R Relationship

S Step by step

C Conditions
C Controls
R Repeat

Students in class

Height (M)

Wingspan (M)











Thursday, June 17, 2021

 Brainstorm - the two were talking. She told him to go away because he didn't belong.

                    - the seeds of the sacred tree chose him.

Techniques - (lighting-artificial, bright and dim - plants/things they touched were bright, the background was dim, cold.

Colour - Palette - neons - green/blue/purple 

            - extremes, show us we are someplace different/exciting.

Camera/shot angles/movement/focus:

tilt shot used to show the seeds, POV shot of Jake, exciting, magical - conversation - mid shot, (shows bodies - shows the distance between the characters. Close up - on seeds, shows ethereal movement, other worldly.


Statement - In the 'popsical scene, low angle shots are used to show the imbalance of power between characters.

evidence - We see this when the elephant was talking to the fox. The low angle shot is used to show how much bigger and more imposing the elephant is to the fox.

X - Audience - This makes the audience feel sad for the fox because he is being refused service because of his size.

X - director - The purpose of this is to introduce the idea of stereotupoing to the viewer. Appearing large and rough, the elephant shopkeeper refuses service because he is a fox. Strengthening, this idea is the elephants quote to go back to your side of town.

X - other technique - combined with the use of low angle shots, we see the differences in the characters, rather than the similarities. The high angle point of view makes the fox seem even smaller than the elephant towering over him.

L - real world - link - issues like this where people are judged in their size, race, religion are not isolated to this film. In the real world we tackle ongoing issues of discrimination in every country even in 2021.

Brainstorm - a fox wants to buy a jumbo pop from the elephant store but they won't sell it to him.

                   - the bunny officer steps in to help.

Technique - colour - bright - heartening scene, aimed at children so it is colourful and engaging.

                  - lighting - warm, natural, bright,- daytimes, hot sunny day, fox/bunny spotlighting.

                   - camera (shots, angles, movement) - high and low angles - elephant is taller, feels bigger,                                                                                          superior, we aren't meant to like the elephant because he                                                                                  wont serve them - rough angry tone, low argle from fox                                                                                    POV and high angle down onto fox makes him look small.

                   - music/sound - below baby fox trumpets

Monday, June 14, 2021

Triangle facts

Trigonometry Math facts:

What is sine used for in trigonometry

Use sine ratio to calculate angles and sides (Sin = h o )

One of the trigonometric ratios is the sine ratio. It is the opposite side over the hypotenuse of right triangles. In other words, we can find the angles and sides of right-angled triangles by using the sine ratios.

What is sin cos tan?

Sin is equal to the side opposite the angle that you are conducting the functions on over the hypotenuse which is the longest side in the triangle. Cos is adjacent over the hypotenuse. And tan is opposite over adjacent, which means tan is sin/cos. This can be proved with some basic algebra.


Why SIne is called sine 

The word "sine" (Latin "sinus") comes from a Latin mistranslation by Robert of Chester of the Arabic jib, which is a transliteration of the Sanskrit word for half the chord, 


Names of triangles:

"There are four types of triangle: equilateral, isosceles, scalene, and right-angled." Fleur said: "There are only three types of triangle. These are equilateral, isosceles and scalene.



Sine - Soh - opp/hyp

Cosine - Cah - adj/hyp

Tangent - Toa - opp/adj





Friday, May 7, 2021

Freedom Writers movie

The Freedom Writers Diary was made up of journals that Erin Gruwell told her students to write in about the troubles of their past, present, and future. The Freedom Writers' name pays homage to the name of the 1960s civil rights group Freedom Riders.

Close up - Students, the director wants us to emphasize with them, see it from their perspective.

mid shot - on teacher - shows the distance between them.

tolerance means the ability to put up with others beliefs, attitudes and culture, even when it's different from your own.

overcoming adversity is pushing through something difficult or dangerous.

In the Holocaust scene, the shallow focus is used to blur out everybody in the scene except for the main person who is speaking.

Brainstorm - a student read his diary to the teacher and the class

                   - His family has been evicted

                   - He feels at home at school in Ms Gruwells class

                   - Overcoming adversity - he has come to school despite being evicted and homeless

music - slow, soft, sad

lightning - bright, natural - creates an atmosphere of a warm, happy, welcome space.

 cameras - cloe up - when he says he's home - shows audience his emotion

               - dolly shot - from close up to mid shot to close up - shows viewer that student is surrounded,                           supported by his classroom/family.

               - Shallow focus - speaker is in sharp, those around are blurred to make him the focus, most                               important.

brainstorm - Miep Gies has come to talk to the class about hiding Anne Frank and her family 

                  - Marcus stands and tells her that she is his hero

                  - Miep Gies says that they are her heros

Camera - Pan Shot - used to show all the students are there and they are all focused and listening - not                                             distracted like previous series.

              - mid shot when Marcus speaks.

Lighting - Bright, cold, natural - back it - creates a halo effect making her seem angelic. This works because                                                                    the students see Miep like a hero because she tried saved the                                                                            franks.

Music - subtle quite, builds in volume and intensity, used to heighten the viewers emotions.       

Friday, April 16, 2021

Saw horse

Here are some photos of my sawhorse that I made in term 1 (2021) for Wood technology, (BCATS) L1 NCEA. 

This took me nearly the whole term which was 10 weeks long. so a bit shorter than 10 weeks, (maybe 7 or 8)

In this blog, I will show you evidence of me making the sawhorse and the set of instructions that tells you how to make it. I'll also tell you about the hand tools we used and how we used them.

What I enjoyed the most about creating my sawhorse was that if we made a mistake we got a second chance, we just didn't make that same mistake twice. What I also liked was that we got a practice assessment so we could fail and it wouldn't matter and so we wouldn't fail on the main assessment/sawhorse.

           Heres my 3 photos.

Sliding bevel: For this handtools assessment we set all of our sliding bevels to a 15-degree angle. We did this because every angle we needed to mark out was either 15-degrees, 180-degrees (straight), or 90-degrees. Basically, any angle that wasn't 15-degrees was 180-degrees  or 90-degrees

Combination square: We used a combination square to mark any straight lines that were square with our piece of wood (90-degrees). This tool was a lifesaver. It's used instead of a ruler to get a straight line because we set the revolving turret piece to 180-degrees to get it nice and square.

Handsaw: We used a saw just as a saw is made for, cutting wood, however, our teacher Mr. Rees Showed us how to use a saw properly. Keep your elbow close to your body and follow through the piece of wood with your arm going straight the whole time to keep the cuts straight and prevent the blade from wobbling. Use all the teeth of the saw and take your time rather than going way too fast.

1 Metre ruler: At the end of our work we had to straighten/even up the legs of our sawhorse. how we did this was by putting the sawhorse upside down on a table. Then finding the shortest leg. let's say the shortest leg was 780mm tall we'd mark a line on all four legs at about 775mm and then get our ruler and join up both marks on the outside of our 2 legs and mark a straight line. We did this on all sides of our four legs.

Below is some photo evidence of me doing the work.

this is me hand sawing the end of one of my legs at                                      a 15-degree angle.

 This is me marking out the top of my work and                                                                            planning my legs with a sliding bevel.

This is me attaching the support to the base of my                                                                                              work. It is also attached to both of my end pieces,                                                       we screwed it on afterwards

here's a photo of some of the hand tools we used to create our sawhorse.     

This is the sawhorse we need to construct. The whole set of                                  instructions are below in the pictures.

This is the end of my blog post (: Please comment to let me know how I did.

does your dominant hand have a faster reaction time than your non-dominant hand?

 Results showed: (1) For single responses and paired responses to simultaneous stimuli, responses by the dominant hand were made significantly faster than by the non-dominant hand.

That was information from google but I am going to tell you my results

Right hand: 40mm, 105mm, 120mm, 105mm, 50mm, 75mm. Total = 495mm

Left hand: 115mm, 140mm, 150mm, 110mm, 225mm, 148mm. . Total = 888mm 

as you can see by my results, the information from google was facts as my right hand was much quicker at reacting. That means that the answer is yes, your dominant hand is quicker at reacting than your non-dominant hand.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Mean, Median and Mode

Mean :It is the sum (total) of all the values in a set of data, such as numbers or measurements, divided by the number of values on the list. To find the mean, add up all the values in the set. Then divide the sum by how many values there are. ... That is the mean.

Median: The medil[--e middle number in a sorted, ascending or descending, list of numbers and can be more descriptive of that data set than the average. The median is sometimes used as opposed to the mean when there are outliers in the sequence that might skew the average of the values.

Mode: The median is the middle number in a sorted, ascending or descending, list of numbers and can be more descriptive of that data set than the average. The median is sometimes used as opposed to the mean when there are outliers in the sequence that might skew the average of the values.

Who invented mean, medin and mode? Edmund Halley

The term is first found in the mid-1690s in the writings of Edmund Halley (1656-1742), and it has been used to summarize observations of a variable since the time of Galileo (1564-1642).
What can median be used for? The median can be used to determine an approximate average, or mean, but is not to be confused with the actual mean. If there is an odd amount of numbers, the median value is the number that is in the middle, with the same amount of numbers below and above.

What can mode be used for? Mode is most useful as a measure of central tendency when examining categorical data, such as models of cars or flavors of soda, for which a mathematical average median value based on ordering can not be calculated.

What can mean be used for? The mean can be used to represent the typical value and therefore serves as a yardstick for all observations. ... An example would be comparing the mean number of annual training hours for women and for all employees. Comparisons Using Means. The mean is useful for furthter calculations.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Cubic metres to litres

1 metre cubed = 1 000 Litres 
5 metres cubed = 5 000 Litres

To convert cubic metres to litres we need to times cubic metre by 1000. Eg: 13 cubic metres is equal to 13000 litres. Working 13 x 1000 = 13000L

An easy way to figure this out anywhere is to just add three zeros to the cubic metres to get answer in litres. Eg: 45 Cubic metres +three zeros = 45000. Answer = 45000L

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Wood Plane

Image result for wood plane facts

A plane is a tool for shaping wood. Planes are used to flatten, reduce the thickness of, and impart a smooth surface to a rough piece of lumber. As the name implies, the tool turns the worked surface into a smooth plane, a level, even surface.